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Make a Disclosure to Stopline


Online Disclosure


1300 30 45 50 – Australia
+61 3 9811 3275 – Overseas (Reverse Charges)


Send an email to: [email protected]

Make a report via your smartphone.


BDO c/o Stopline, PO Box 403, Diamond Creek, Victoria 3089, Australia

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Whistleblower Hotline

This website is part of the service provided by Stopline Pty Ltd to eligible persons on behalf of BDO Australia. This service allows eligible persons to make disclosures anonymously (if they elect) where they have reasonable grounds to suspect that BDO or a BDO staff member has engaged in illegal activity, misconduct, an improper state of affairs, conduct that represents danger to the public or the financial system or otherwise reportable conduct. Further information on the types of matters that should be reported and the ways that they can be reported are found throughout this site and are contained within the BDO Australia Whistleblowing Policy. We encourage you to explore this site which provides answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the service provided to BDO by Stopline and how it works.

A message from


Willem Olivier, Head of Risk & Ethics


Dear Colleagues,

The BDO Whistleblower Hotline is an independent and confidential service facilitated by Stopline. This service allows eligible persons to make disclosures anonymously (if they elect) where they have reasonable grounds to suspect that BDO or a BDO staff member has engaged in illegal activity, misconduct, an improper state of affairs, conduct that represents danger to the public or the financial system or otherwise reportable conduct. Reportable conduct includes:

  • Fraudulent activity
  • Money laundering or misappropriation of funds
  • Corruption
  • Illegal actions
  • Dishonest or unethical behaviour
  • The creation or facilitation of an unsafe environment
  • Breaches of company policy
  • Instances of discrimination
  • Harassment and/or bullying
  • Behaviour that is generally detrimental to BDO and could cause financial or non-financial loss
  • Conduct that is generally detrimental to an eligible person, or a person who is believed or suspected to be an eligible person, regardless of whether that conduct has been engaged in or threatened
  • Modern slavery practices as set out in the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth).

You can make a disclosure via telephone, email, internet, mail or the Stopline QR code.

BDO gives very serious consideration to whistleblowing disclosures and will ensure that any disclosure is investigated thoroughly, promptly and confidentially. It is also important to note that the BDO Australia Whistleblowing Policy enables eligible persons to maintain anonymity should they so desire.

In addition to facilitating the disclosure process, the website provides access to the BDO Australia Whistleblowing Policy and answers some of the most frequently asked questions for your reference. I believe that good corporate governance has the capacity to differentiate us from our competitors and enhance our reputation in the eyes of our clients. This policy and related service is just another example of BDOs commitment to quality.

A message from
Willem Olivier, Head of Risk & Ethics